Strong Lines in Prada Gold Granite Require Patience and Skill
Some granite is more easily laid out than others. Simple all-over patterns, or granite with small specks are a lot easier to fabricate (cut) than complex premium granites like Prada Gold.
Prada Gold Takes an Experienced Granite Fabricator
This granite has strong lines and color changes waving across this slab. You can see the strong golds and greys and can imagine that making this look good installed in a kitchen is a challenge – the edges should flow gracefully where they meet.
We work as a team to determine the best way to arrange the templates to showcase the gorgeus color variations and movement in a granite like Prada Gold.
Don’t Forget The Granite Backsplashes
If a kitchen or bathroom will have backsplashes made from the same material, the backsplashes also need to be laid out to ensure the lines and patterns are pleasing as the eye moves across the finished granite counter tops. Otherwise, the results are jarring.
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