White Springs Granite – White, Ivory, Flecks of Black and Brown and Rust
White granite and white marble are traditional favorites for designers and decorators for new kitchens and kitchen remodels.
Many white granite varieties, like White Spring granite, complement a lot of different colors of kitchen cabinets, paint and backsplash tile.
We had two gorgeous slabs of White Spring come through our shop this week. The kitchen they’re going in to is, alas, too far away in New Braunfels, Texas to photograph when done, but we still wanted to capture a few photos to share with you.
We can see this on top of honey-colored cabinets, or dark brown, or black. Or an off-white, or grey.
This white granite is that versatile.
When you go to pick your granite at one of the local Austin granite yards, take along some paint samples and if possible, one of your cabinet drawers or doors to see how they look together. If course the lighting will be different – but you can at least see if the combination is boring, or has potential!
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