Love The Rusty Coppery Colors in Copper Canyon Granite?
You’re in luck because Copper Canyon comes in several variations, and one of them might just be the winner for your new kitchen counters.
Check out this slab of Copper Canyon Rustic we found at SGM last week. It has the classic color combination of Copper Canyon: rusts, golds, some browns, salmon and ivory. Overall, it reads “rust”, more more aptly, “copper”.
Bold Granite for Bold Design
So, what do you do with a stone that is as dramatic as Copper Canyon Rustic?
You can make it (well, we can make it for you) into a fabulous, huge kitchen island. If the cabinets beneath it are dark brown (espresso), black or shades of white or ivory, it will really pop as the focal point of your kitchen.
We’ve seen this stone used as THE stongest design element in a kitchen, with everything else being very . . . neutral. We’ve also seen it in homes where even a granite a bold and glorious as this one isn’t the strongest design element. You know, homes with rich, dark paint colors, metallic finishes (bronze, for example), huge mirrors and limestone interior walls.
It looks great with a fancy edge, like a built-up edge on the central island in the kitchen.
Get Copper Canyon Rustic While the Gettin’ is Good
For a while, we saw very little Copper Canyon granite, of any variety, in Austin. It wasn’t as readily available as it is this Spring. We don’t know if that was because it wasn’t popular, or if the quarries it comes from were running at a lower production volume.
Either way, if yoou want it, don’t dally. SGM moves a lot of granite through their yard every week, and if you really like a slab or two from a particular bundle, you’ll want to get your name on it before someone else beats you to it.
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